We are providing the following links as a service to those visiting our website. We have appreciated these ministries and hope that you will find them helpful and of interest.
A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God’s Word into your daily life.
HopeStreamRadio is a Christian internet radio station that provides daily programming to English‑speaking Christians around the world to encourage them in their relationship with the Lord and inform them about the work God is doing around the world.
AiG is an excellent resource for those who are looking for evidence and facts to support the Biblical worldview of creation. It exposes the false evolutionary ideas that are being taught in the public school system, and promoted by the secular media. No longer is evolution proposed as a theory, but presented as a given scientific fact (which is totally false).
MSC is a support organization for missionaries and workers commended to the Lord’s work around the world.
In 1964 Dr. R.E. Harlow and his wife, Gertrud, started a small publishing work to help provide Bible study materials for believers in Africa. It was registered in Canada as a non-profit charity so that the Lord’s people with an exercise to help financially could receive a tax receipt. U.S. citizens may forward gifts through CMML in New Jersey.
Faith By Hearing (formerly know as “Family Bible Hour”)
FBH International started way back in 1951 in the Province of Newfoundland as a local radio ministry. Today it is a Christian media ministry with a multilingual outreach around the world.
Gospel Folio Press has been printing and publishing Christian material and literature since the early 1900s’. They have a large selection of great Christian books (at affordable prices) available on their website. GFP is also the publisher of Choice Gleanings Calendar.
Through evangelism, Bible translation and discipleship, missionaries serving with Ethnos (formerly New Tribes Mission) are planting churches among unreached people groups.
Uplook provides resources that inform, encourage and equip the church. This website is focused on truth related to Christ and His Church, and emphasizes the New Testament design as ideal for every age and every environment.
The Biblical Resource Database
Just as the name implies, this is a great resouce for bible study.
ECS Ministries exists to teach and disseminate the Word of God through external education in the form of correspondence courses and other materials. The courses are designed to be evangelical, educational and edifying in nature and consistent with the Emmaus Bible College doctrinal statement.
Good Seed is an internet gospel out reach website.
Good News Now is a Bible answer website with some very helpful articles for those seeking the truth.